Unforgivable Sins Against the Holy Spirit

Unforgivable Sins Against the Holy Spirit

Sins against the Holy Spirit: There are a few sins against the Holy Spirit that are considered unforgivable. Here are some of them: Blasphemy, Resisting the known truth, and Resisting the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Are you guilty of any of these sins? Unforgivable sins There are sins which cannot be forgiven. One of … Read more

How Old Was Eve When She Died?

How Old Was Eve When She Died

How old was Eve when she died? The Bible does mention Adam and Eve in Genesis chapter 5. Adam was 130 years old when he had a son with Eve, but Eve age was not mentioned in the Bible – Genesis 5:3. The Bible speaks less of women but more of men. That is the … Read more

Why did Jesus Speak in Parables?

Why did Jesus Speak in Parables

You are wondering why did Jesus speak in parables while he was on earth? You are not alone. Initially, I wondered same until I did a thorough studies of the Bible. What is a Parable? A simplified story that involves the use of illustrations to teach a moral or spiritual lessons just as Jesus did … Read more